
Terms and Conditions for using API

We appreciate you for using our API’s.

By accessing or using of our APIs for any mean, you are agreeing to the terms below.

Together, we refer to the terms below, any additional terms, terms related to API, terms within the accompanying API documentation, and any applicable policies and guidelines as the “Terms.” You agree to comply with the Terms and that the Terms control your relationship with us. So please read all the Terms carefully. If you use the APIs as an interface to, or in conjunction with other products or services, then the terms for those other products or services also apply.

a. Accepting the Terms

You may not use the APIs and may not accept the Terms if you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with us.

b. Entity Level Acceptance

If you are using the APIs on behalf of an entity, you represent and warrant that you have authority to bind that entity to the Terms and by accepting the Terms, you are doing so on behalf of that entity (and all references to “you” in the Terms refer to that entity). You are entitled for any conflict arise with respect to Terms.

c. Registration

To access certain APIs, Registration may be required and you may be required to provide certain information (such as identification or contact details) as part of the registration process for the APIs, or as part of your continued use of the APIs.

Any registration information you give to us will always be accurate and up to date and you’ll inform us promptly of any updates.

d. API Prohibitions

When using the APIs, you may not (or allow those acting on your behalf to):

  • Commercial use and offer service to third party and promote or facilitate unlawful online gambling or disruptive commercial messages or advertisements.
  • Remove, obscure, or alter any our terms of service or any links to or notices of those terms.
  • Perform an action or malpractice with the intent of introducing to our products and services any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, malware, or any items of a destructive nature.
  • Unauthorized access and try to harass, stalk, defame, abuse, or threaten others.
  • Interfere with or disrupt the APIs or the servers or networks providing the APIs.
  • Attempt to extract the source code from any API or any related software, except to the extent that this restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law.
  • Use the APIs for any activities where the use or failure of the APIs could lead to death, personal injury, or environmental damage.
  • Unauthorize access, altering and distribution of e-PHI.
  • Violation of HIPAA compliance.

Reference for Open API

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